Man who does not deserve good day. But those who do it for duty, may be with a handshake too bureaucratic and cold. Those who enjoy a little time, because they are too anxious to rest, will never know what it’s like a mad woman of pleasure, having a mini stroke uterus, delivered in the most profound, intense and true. Those who really give themselves to this art-based humility and deserve the sky, land and sea and a thatched cottage. They deserve to be forgiven, blessed, massaged, idolized. Those who still mourn the make, size horny, deserve our toothbrush, lavemos deserve to dishes, they deserve accept disappearances in the carnival and they deserve until they liberate other parties. A man who really knows how to suck a woman does not need a car, money, style, beach house or collection of Proust on the headboard. The Vice Guide to Sucking Pussy is the best writing about sex I’ve ever read in my life. If women’s magazines so they could talk about sex, the world would be infinitely less annoying. Below are some topics of the text:

1) Short
Do nothing if not the end. Unlike a blowjob, suck a pussy can never be done as a favor.

2) Do not let the fountain dry
A dry pussy is a pussy sad. If your fingers found a dry, go back to kissing and hugging for a while.

3) Mission submarine
Once it is foaming, it’s time to descend. Keep your fingers away from there and not touch anything for now.

4) dividing the Red Sea
Prepare the battlefield. Pubes are for a blowjob which cavities are to dental hygiene.

5) The triumphal entry
Add the first lap slowly. It is good to moan too – shows you are enjoying and have direct audible vibrations inside.

6) Shake the boat
Suck pussy is so tricky that can make you feel a little queer. If you’re tired of playing the dancer, go straight to the point. Discover how much action can stand her clitoris without letting her uncomfortable and show who is the commander.

7) Identifying the type of clitoris
After calmly lick, it’s time to start the party. There are two types of clitoris: those who enjoy a strong grip and what not. The latter is as bad as a stick with two inches, then you should leak soon.

8a) Clitoris who need a good deal
These are the coolest, because you can be creative. Pretend your tongue is the bad cop and the clitoris is the killer of his partner.

8b) than Clitoris
Some clitoris do not want to be separated and beaten. These are the most boring and need to be treated kindly. In this case, banque St. Bernard to enjoy it. Simple as that.

9) The conclusion
Once you’re done (full service), they want you out of there on time because that region is very sensitive. Instead of leaving, put his tongue out and lick it like a soggy carpet and thick.