Archives for the month of: October, 2011

10 Things Women Dont Like About Men

Everyone knows that a woman’s brain works completely different to a man’s brain, we think different when it comes to relationships or love.

Have you ever heard someone say? “All men are alike” , yet I bet you have, I heard that saying so many times that I thought it must be true then, because I would hear it from my mom, aunt, female friends, and just any women.

But then I saw a clear connection between that saying and the women that said it, most of the women I heard say “All men are alike” were because they had bad experiences with men in the past. Most women that said that around me were because they were cheated, abuse or other reasons that made them not trust men or having the misconception that all men are the alike.

Well how do we really know if all men are alike? How about the most commonly hated things a women don’t like about men, and make your own conclusions after you read them.

For Men: Read each one carefully and see if you have done any of them

For Women: See if you have come to the conclusion that all men are alike because of this 10 things.

1. Feelings

Women in general like to talk, they are socially open towards others, they make friends easily and express their feelings more often. Men are the complete opposite, a men expressing their feelings may be interpret by others ( men in general) as a sign of weakness, and in conclusion men dont like to talk about feelings with women, and some women do not understand why this is.

2. Relationship

Women hate it when men dont talk about the status of a relationship, because women like to know if the relationship is moving forward, men in the other hand likes to avoid conversations regarding a relationship status.

3. Being Ignored

Women hate when men ignore them, or dont pay enough attention to them, a women likes to feel special, and they hate it when a guy doesnt spent enough time with them or tells her how special she is.

4. Friendships

Some women dont like that during a relationship a man talks to female friends on the phone or hangs out with female friends, and sometimes a it can be guy-friends as well, because men together tend to act different, or might spent too much time with the guy-friends, a woman don’t mind guys spending time with their friends as long as the friends don’t start hogging all the time and attention.

5. Lying

A women hates it when a man lies, when a man lies and gets caught, theres a chance the “all men are alike” might come up.

6. Not Clean

Women hate a man without basic sense of hygiene and etiquette, a women likes to see a man well groomed and clean.

7. Past Girlfriends

A woman doesnt like to hear a man talk about past relationships or talk about how many girlsfriends he had, a man in a relationship talking to one of his ex-girlfriends is a one of the things a woman hates the most.

8. Goals

Women desire a man who knows where he is going in life as that’s an attitude of winner and women want to be around such men. They don’t want to be stuck around negative men who don’t know which way their life is going and have no plans for the future.

9. Controlling

Women do not like men who act like door mats but at the same time they do not prefer men who like everything their way all the time. Women like to be in the leader spot once in a while and prefer men who are good listeners.

10. Insecurity

Women dont like when the man is always insecure about their woman, and when they have to track every move they make and every person they talk to, it shows the woman that there is no trust in the relationship.

Perfect Man

There is no such thing as a perfect man, or even a perfect person we are all different, and when it comes to relationships we must try to understand this, always tell your partner if you dont like something, honesty is the key to long lasting relationships, dont try to change your partner because it wont get you anywhere, no one likes to be told they need to change, but simple communication can open many doors in your relationship. If you want to learn some tips about how to understand your partner better and avoid discussions, read….

Although men are not perfect, and we (including me) have many bad habits and flaws, we must try to comprehend our partners point of view, if we are aware of what our partner in relationship does not like its easier to avoid a confrontation or fight.

Theres also lots of things us men dont like about women, but if I begin making the list now I might not finish writing till….

“Life is like a dream, sometimes it is good and somtimes it is bad, but in the end it is over.” – Unknown

“Life is like a mirror, if you frown at it, it frowns back. If you smile, it returns the greeting.” — Unknown

“Life is like a party. You invite a lot of people; some go, some join you, some laugh with you, some didn’t come. But in the end, after the fun, there would be a few who would clean up the mess with you. And most of the time, those were the uninvited ones.” — Unknown

“Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.” — Danny Kaye

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein

“Life is like riding a bicycle. You don’t fall off unless you plan to stop peddling.” — Claude Pepper


Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren’t as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they’re amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who’s brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.